The Case

58 year-old man with history of mitral valve prolapse presents with 4 days of intermittent palpitations, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath. The symptoms resolve spontaneously. He denies any illicit substance use.

Vital signs on arrival: T 97.5F, HR 71, BP 140/89, RR 18, SpO2 100% on room air.

While in the ED, his palpitations return. ECG is shown below.


Rapid atrial flutter with rapid, variable AV conduction

After receiving 3 doses of adenosine (6mg, 12mg, 12mg), the HR and repeat ECG were unchanged. Two doses of diltiazem 20mg IVP were then given with an adequate response following the 2nd dose, resulting in the ECG:


Atrial flutter with more controlled ventricular rate

A dose of diltiazem 60mg PO was given following the above ECG. CXR was unremarkable and labs showed a troponin 0.034, lactate 2.7. Cardiology was consulted for a HR persistently >120. The patient was given aspirin, placed on a diltiazem and heparin infusions, and admitted to CCU.

TEE showed EF 55-60% with moderate-severe mitral valve prolapsed and mitral regurgitation and no atrial thrombus. Electrophysiology study on HD #2 showed atrial flutter with typical counterclockwise rotation at the cavo-tricuspid isthmus. Ablation at the isthmus terminated the macro-reentrant circuit and restored normal sinus rhythm. Stimulation testing afterwards confirmed successful bi-directional block at the cavo-tricuspid isthmus. The patient was discharged home on HD #3 on metoprolol, diltiazem, and warfarin with Cardio-Thoracic surgery follow-up for mitral valve repair.


Atrial Flutter

Atrial flutter occurs when atrial tissue is altered due to a number of structural and/or electrophysiological mechanisms. This results a reentry circuit that is usually located within the right atrium near to the tricuspid valve annulus. The atrial rate is usually 250-350/min with the ventricular rate dependent on the refractoriness of the AV node. What is usually observed is some degree of “block”, either fixed or variable, at the AV node. The ECG shows a typical sawtooth P’ pattern, in leads II, III, aVF, and V1 with narrow QRS-complexes unless aberrant conduction is also present.

cavo-atrial isthmus

Image taken from Atrial Flutter, Circulation, Nov 2005.

General Approach

When a patient is found to be in atrial flutter or fibrillation with a rapid ventricular rate, it’s important to identify any underlying illness that may be contributing to the tachycardia and try to determine whether or not this rhythm is new. Scheuermeyer et al, found that patients in rapid atrial flutter/fibrillation with an acute underlying illness had a nearly 6-fold increase in adverse events with early as opposed to delayed rate control. Patients that underwent delayed treatment with AV nodal agents (which may have allowed more time for IV crystalloid administration) also had more successful rate control. Successful rate control increased from 16.2% in the first hour to 25.0% in the fourth hour, whereas the adverse event rate decreased from 48.6% to 28.0% during the same time period. The majority of adverse events in the study were in patients presenting with rapid atrial flutter/fibrillation related to underlying sepsis or decompensated CHF.



Rate Control

Let’s pass on the topic of rate vs rhythm control (hopefully this topic goes away in the near future). But for anyone interested, especially our medical students in the audience, see the AFFIRM trial referenced at the end.

A recent systematic review (Martindale JL, et al. 2015) reported that there isn’t great data out there comparing calcium-channel blockers to beta-blockers for acute rate control in the ED. Currently, the decision on which agent to use may depend on mostly physician preference, however, there is emerging evidence to show that calcium-channel blockers (i.e. diltiazem) may be superior in the acute care setting while beta-blockers (i.e. metoprolol) be superior in the outpatient setting.


When to Cardiovert?

According to guidelines, the time during which we should consider cardioversion is when the onset of atrial flutter/fibrillation is < 48 hours or the patient has been on anticoagulation with therapeutic levels for at least 3 weeks. In the Finnish CardioVersion (CV) study, patients presenting within 48 hours of symptom onset were cardioverted without peri-procedural or post-procedural anticoagulation. The risk of thromboembolic complications following cardioversion (88% of which were electrical cardioversion) was found to be 0.7% within 30-days, mainly due to cerebral infarction. This is comparable to the risk of thromboembolic complications following 3-weeks of anticoagulation, which is estimated to be 0.3-0.8%. However, particular patient characteristics were identified that substantially increased the risk for thromboembolism: Age > 60, female gender, and presence of heart failure or diabetes. In a patient with CHF, the risk of thromboembolism increased to 3.3% and if the same patient also has diabetes, the risk further increased to 9.8%!

A retrospective analysis of the Finnish CV study, showed that the overall risk of thromboembolism of 0.7% can be further broken down based on time to cardioversion. Those cardioverted within 12 hours had a risk of 0.3% and those cardioverted between 12-48 hours had a risk of 1.1%. We can interpret this as meaning the sooner, the better! Cardioversion within 12 hours has a low risk of stroke. Between 12-48 hours, we should consider discharging moderate-to-high risk patients with anticoagulation after cardioversion after weighing the risk vs benefit for each patient.

Note: The patient in the case presentation may not have been a good candidate for elective cardioversion as the history seems to suggest a paroxysmal nature. Atrial flutter/fibrillation in these patients will often resolve spontaneously.

Aggressive vs Conservative

The Ottawa Aggressive Protocol Study (Steill IG, et al. 2010) was designed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of rapid cardioversion and discharge of patients with recent-onset atrial flutter/fibrillation. The goal was to discharge patients home within 1 hour of cardioversion. According to this protocol, the patients could be discharged home on anticoagulation if CHADS2 score > 1; those who present > 48 hours after symptom onset should receive TEE-guided cardioversion.


How to Cardiovert?

Chemical Cardioversion

2014 AHA/ACC/EHR Guidelines recommend flecainide, dofetilide, propafenone, or ibutilide (Class I) with Level A evidence for pharmacologic cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. Previously, flecainide (Class IC antidysrhythmic) was thought to have the greatest efficacy of the agents above until ibutilide (Class III antidysrhythmic) came along. There appears to be no significant difference between the efficacy and rate of adverse events between these two agents. However, the risk of Torsades de Pointes with ibutilide is 7-8%. Magnesium levels should be measured and repleted prior to ibutilide administration. Lastly, as this is a fairly new drug, the cost is significantly higher (approx 30 times more) than flecainide. Flecainide does not increase the risk of Torsades de Pointes, however, it has been shown to have supraventricular pro-dysrhythmogenic properties. This may include conversion of atrial fibrillation to atrial flutter with 1:1 conduction.

Electrical Cardioversion

For patients presenting in atrial flutter < 48 hours, biphasic waveform cardioversion can be attempted at 100J. Cardioversion should be performed under procedural sedation with anterior & lateral electrode placement.* If initial attempt is unsuccessful, subsequent attempts should be increased by 50J, up to a maximum of 200J. If one or two shocks at 200J fails to cardiovert, consider compression of the electrodes to decrease impedance (or consider using handheld paddles), administering an antidyshythmic agent prior to the next shock, or “double shocking”. Ibutilide infusion prior to shock delivery has been shown to increase the chance of successful cardioversion while decreasing the mean amount of energy required.

*Most studies show that anterior-posterior electrode placement yields higher success when performed for atrial fibrillation. In these cases, a large amount of myocardium must be shocked for successful cardioversion. In atrial flutter, our target is the tricuspid valve annulus and anterior-lateral electrode placement has been shown to be superior for this specific dysrhythmia (Risuis T, et al. 2009).


Take Home Points

  • Be thorough and identify any acute underlying illness that may be responsible for atrial fibrillation/flutter
  • Prioritize fluid resuscitation (if indicated) over rate control
  • There is a low risk of stroke if cardioversion is performed < 12 hours from symptom onset and there are no contraindications
  • Electrical cardioversion is much more successful than pharmacologic cardioversion
  • Have a back-up plan if your 1st attempt at electrical cardioversion is unsuccessful

Blog post by: Dr. Yonatan Yohannes

Case presentation by: Dr. Guy Carmelli on Feb. 3, 2016

Editing by: Dr. Ian deSouza



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