Should We Consider Mathematical Arterialization of VBGs in ED Patients?

A few months back, I wrote about the lack of accuracy in using peripheral venous blood gas to estimate the CO2 of an arterial sample, particularly when the levels are very high1. My continued review of the subject supports the unreliability of such interpretation of peripheral venous values alone. Dr. Rees, a researcher who Read more…

So Bored I Worked Out: Rhabdomyolysis

New year, new beginnings, and new resolve. A 31 year-old slightly overweight male visits the emergency department a week after New Years with a chief complaint of muscle soreness. He had recently attended a soulcycle session with his girlfriend as part of his new year’s resolution to lose some of his winter weight. The next day he was extremely sore (more than expected) and started to have dark urine (not expected). Our enthusiastic exerciser has rhabdomyolysis.
