Morning Report: 1/3/2014

Here’s Dr. Nordstrom presenting today’s Morning Report!   Case: 47 y.o male with history of EtOH abuse, presents with vomiting. VS: 97/52, HR 123 RR 24, Os Sat 98%. On exam the patient has a mildly distended abdomen with multiple dilated veins and spider angiomas. During evalutation the patient vomits Read more…

Another “worst headache of my life”?

In the evaluation of SAH in the ED, does everyone with a negative head CT require subsequent LP? On 1/29/14!, we’ll review Perry’s study in BMJ on CT performed within 6 hours of headache onset. Practice-changing?  Peruse and decide. Enjoy! and please post your thoughts, comments and questions below. Read more…

Morning Report: 12/20/2013

Thanks to Dr. Shin for a very timely Morning Report!   Carbon Monoxide Toxicity   Carbon Monoxide: Colorless and odorless and created by incomplete combustion Common sources are automobile exhaust, coal, wood or kerosene stoves   Pathophysiology: CO binds reversibly to hemoglobin 230-270x that of oxygen causing functional anemia Half Read more…

Morning Report: 12/12/2013

Thanks to Dr. Lewis for today’s Morning Report!   Coumadin-induced Coagulopathy   Coumadin Antithrombic effect:  blocks activation of vitamin K → interferes with hepatic carboxylation of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X → impairs the extrinsic and common pathway Prothrombic effect:  Blocks activation of protein C and S Circulating Read more…