Morning Report: 8/30/2013

Here’s Dr. Youn with today’s Morning Report!   Lateral Canthotomy/Cantholysis   Emergent concern: retinal ischemia, optic nerve compression   Indications: Acute orbital compartment syndrome – usually 2/2 traumatic retrobulbar hemorrhage Decreased visual acuity IOP > 40 mmHg (normal range: 10-20) Proptosis APD   Contraindication: Globe rupture (teardrop pupil, positive Seidel Read more…

Morning Report: 8/27/2013

Dr. Kong presents today’s Morning Report!   Ketofol   What is it? A mixture of Ketamine and Propofol used for sedation   Why is it better than Ketamine or Propofol alone? 1. In theory, use of medications together produce rapid (Propofol), consistent (Ketamine) sedation with maintenance of blood pressure (Ketamine), Read more…

Morning Report: 8/22/2013

Here’s Dr. Adal with today’s Morning Report!     Differential diagnosis for generalized weakness   Neuromuscular (UMN and LMN) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Degeneration of the motor neuron Botulism: Toxin prevents release of Ach at neuromuscular junction Ciguatoxin: Toxin causes cell membrane excitability and instability Cord compression Cord infarction CVA: Ischemic Read more…

Morning Report: 8/20/2013

Thanks to Dr. Alsup for today’s Morning Report! Laryngeal Mask airway for Prehospital Respiratory Failure   LMA as a rescue airway It’s great when stuff hits the fan.  A certain percentage of people you just won’t be able to intubate. It’s easy to fit in, it’s quick.  Minimal interruptions in Read more…