EM Controversies: Antibiotics for nasal packing?

Author: Robby Allen, MD Edited by: Eden Kim MD, Roshanak Benabbas MD Acknowledgments: Michael Lucchesi MD, Aleksandr Gleyzer MD   Our “EM controversies” lecture series continued with a faculty showdown: Dr. Lucchesi versus Dr. Gleyzer. Watch the debate here. Their Challenge? Antibiotics for nasal packing. What does the evidence say? Read more…

Toxic shock-like syndrome and COVID-19: A case report of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

This article is reposted from The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.  Introduction The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a total of nearly 300,000 deaths worldwide [1]. Pediatric patients PCR-postive for SARS-CoV-2 present differently than adults with 40% either asymptomatic or with URI symptoms and commonly have pharyngeal erythema Read more…

Multi-Organ Failure from Cellulitis – Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS)

A 54-year-old male with history of alcohol abuse presents with right forearm pain and swelling following a fall two days ago. The pain is constant, sharp, “radio buzzing”, and 10/10. He also reports redness, swelling, and “feels cold”. He denies fevers, LOC, CP, SOB, weakness/numbness. Initial VS: HR 120/min, RR 20/min, Read more…