It’s Friday night, and you get a second in between patients. You are dreaming of sipping a Mai Tai by the beach, when your dream is quickly brought to an end. A 35-year-old young man walks into the ED, complaining of an episode of “passing out” after a few drinks. “Mai Tai’s?” you ask. “Oh no, just vodka,” he says. Oh, come on, you tell yourself, as you sign up for him and order an ECG and fingerstick. You think he just must have had a bit too much, and you casually hop over the stretcher-lined hallway to get a history.

He surprisingly does not seem intoxicated and has no significant past medical history. He says he had three shots of vodka, and after about an hour, “passed out”. This occurred about 4 hours prior. He felt light-headed and had palpitations just prior to the event. He does not recall how long he was down, although his friends mentioned about one to two minutes. He was not confused afterward, did not report any pain or weakness, but he did feel a bit light-headed. This has happened to him twice over the past 4 years, and both times were during alcohol intake.

His physical exam including neurologic/cerebellar function is within normal limits. His fingerstick is 110. You get his ECG back as you are talking and “aha”…

1. What do you see, and why does it concern you?


2. What is Brugada Syndrome?


3. How does it present?


4. How common is Brugada Syndrome, and who gets it?


5. How do you diagnose Brugada Syndrome? 


6. What is your differential?


7. How will you manage this patient?


  1. Antzelevitch C. Brugada Syndrome . Pacing Clinical Electrophysiology 2006; 29(10): 1130–59.
  2. MDedge [Internet]. MDedge. [cited 2017 Aug 7];Available from:
  3. Brugada Syndrome [Internet]. LITFL • Life in the Fast Lane Medical Blog. 2016 [cited 2017 Aug 7];Available from:
  4. Brugada Syndrome [Internet]. Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology. 2017 [cited 2017 Aug 7];Available from:
  5. Toscano J. Review of Important ECG Findings in Patients with Syncope . American Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(2):92–6.




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