Author: Aaron S. Conway, MD

Resident Editor: Philippe Ayres, MD

Guest Faculty Editor: James Willis, MD

This is a continuation of Part I

III. Institutional Ethics

Healthcare institutions may also have their own value system based on creational intent, funding sources, academic affiliation, and services offered. Religiously oriented, non-profit, and safety net hospitals are prime examples of institutions that may place higher priority on the biopsychosocial model of healthcare and incorporate more social services into a patient’s stay. This attentiveness belies not only the values an institution embraces, but the virtues it will look for in its staff.

Safety net hospitals have a special designation based on the proportion of uninsured or underinsured patients they see. These hospitals tend to be teaching hospitals with large inpatient units in large metropolitan areas. These institutions serve disproportionately Black and Hispanic patients, living at or below the poverty level, and suffer from increased rates of untreated or undertreated mental health and substance use disorders. Safety net hospitals also serve unhoused people, prisoners, and legal and undocumented immigrants at significantly higher rates than non-safety net hospitals. Additionally, these patients are more likely to rely on EDs as episodic primary care centers. The fiscal reality of caring for these patients is that Medicare and Medicaid, insurers most heavily represented in low-income settings, tend to reimburse hospitals significantly less than private insurers, which are more common in affluent areas. This leaves safety net hospitals scrounging for resources and personnel, and shutting down some services, all to the detriment of their highly vulnerable patient population. 

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