Multi-Organ Failure from Cellulitis – Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS)

A 54-year-old male with history of alcohol abuse presents with right forearm pain and swelling following a fall two days ago. The pain is constant, sharp, “radio buzzing”, and 10/10. He also reports redness, swelling, and “feels cold”. He denies fevers, LOC, CP, SOB, weakness/numbness. Initial VS: HR 120/min, RR 20/min, Read more…

Guns, Politics, and the Emergency Department

This article has been reposted from it’s original source, EM Resident, What is our role as physicians in confronting the intersection of politics and health? After the November 2018 workplace shooting and killing of one of our emergency physician colleagues,1 a Facebook group called EMDocs exploded in controversy over a discussion Read more…