Diagnosis of a Supraventricular Tachydysrhythmia During Ketamine Infusion

Authors: Esteban Davila, MD and Ian S. deSouza, MD Background Ketamine has many known cardiovascular properties both on the myocardium and the autonomic nervous system through central sympathetic stimulation and inhibition of catecholamine reuptake. The ketamine-induced hyperadrenergic state causes transient elevations in heart rate and blood pressure.[1] We present a Read more…

Rhythm Nation- July 2015 ANSWER

Here is the EKG: The first interpretation would be to figure out the differential diagnosis for a regularly irregular rhythm in coupled beats. Without looking into more rare causes of coupled beats, the common causes includes atrial bigeminy, ventricular bigeminy, second degree AV block, and atrial flutter with variable conduction. Read more…