Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema – A complete review of “flash” pulmonary edema

They were fine yesterday, now they’re drowning!   “Flash” (acute) pulmonary edema is a common critical condition in the emergency department, and it can have multiple precipitating factors and etiologies. After evaluating for acute myocardial infarction, tachydysrhythmias, and valvular pathologies based on physical exam and ECG, the treatment for these Read more…

Xray Vision: Chest Pain Answer

Check out the original post here: Xray Vision: Chest Pain Congratulations Dr. Grundmann! This patient has a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. References: Humphries RL, Young W, Jr.. Chapter 71. Spontaneous and Iatrogenic Pneumothorax. In: Tintinalli JE, Stapczynski J, Ma O, Cline DM, Cydulka RK, Meckler GD, T. eds. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 7e. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; Read more…