
The Wilderness medicine mini-fellowship met again this month and had a great conversation about snake bites in the New York region. It was really interesting to see how many venomous snakes live in our region and how many bites occur from them. Lucky for us, most are dry bites or the patient just does not become symptomatic.  The article we discussed can be found here:

NY Snakes

Nico was also nice enough to put together a brief summary of the paper he discussed.  That can be found by following this link:

NY Snakes Summary

We are now looking forward to the next wilderness meeting on January 6th where Guy Carmelli will be presenting a paper. The topic and venue will be announced soon so please stay tuned.

I just wanted to say Happy Holidays from the Wilderness Medicine Division of our department and I hope you are all celebrating in style.  I hope we can get to do more out-doors stuff this winter. I know Dr. Jane Kim and I have been on some great winter hikes in the past and we plan on more of them this winter.  I hope some of you will join us this time.  I know the trip to the hyperbarrics chamber is planned for January 24th and I would love to do at least one frozen waterfall hike at some point once it snows some more.  We also plan on a bunch of ski days this season so sharpen up your edges and get ready for that as well.  Have a safe and fun New Year and I will see all of you in January.

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