
Welcome back. We’re going to continue reviewing common eye complaints. This time we’ll focus on the conjunctiva.


Let’s quickly review. The conjunctiva is a thin, clear lining that covers the anterior portion of the eyes and eyelids.



Both my eyes have been itchy and red. I’m tearing up a lot, and my nose feels stuffy.


My left eye has been red and a little painful. I wake up with a lot of clear discharge. The light makes the pain worse. My kid had the same thing a week ago and wouldn’t stop touching my face.


My right eye has been red and painful. I get a lot of thick eye gunk in the morning. It makes it difficult to open my eye.


Review chart



I think my eye is bleeding. I just noticed it this morning. I don’t know what happened, but tt doesn’t really bother me.


Sup, dude. I’ve had this thing growing on the side of my eye for years, but recently it’s been making it hard for me see. I need help so I can get back to riding waves ASAP. Thanks, bro.


Walker, Richard A., and Srikar Adhikari. “Chapter 236. Eye Emergencies.”Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 7e. Eds. Judith E. Tintinalli, et al. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2011. n. pag. AccessMedicine.Web. 2 Sep. 2016.


Remember, what we do in practice may not always be the right answer on the exam. Frustrating, I know, but don’t cry about it.


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EM Resident PGYII


EM Resident PGYII


Anonymous · September 7, 2016 at 1:49 pm

should be titled so bored eye started crying

    Karen · September 7, 2016 at 11:59 pm

    Love it. Changing it now.

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