Author: Rachelle Modeste, MD

Editors: Alec Feuerbach, MD and Philippe Ayres, MD

Faculty Editor: Anastasios Drenis, MD


Why so Blue, Baby? Part I – County EM (


Initial Evaluation:

Now that we have described each of the cyanotic congenital heart defects (CHD), let’s jump back to the bedside. Remember, the patient was a 1-week-old baby boy who presented with fatigue, tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypoxemia with perioral cyanosis. 


Differential Diagnosis: 

Remember to keep your differential broad as all of the following pathologies can lead to cyanosis in a neonate: CHD, persistent pulmonary hypertension, sepsis, pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus infection, bronchiolitis, reactive airway disease, acute respiratory distress syndrome, foreign body aspiration, inborn errors of metabolism, and hemoglobinopathies (e.g., methemoglobinemia).[5]



Newborns with cyanotic heart defects tend to present around one to four weeks of life. The symptoms may be non-specific, such as poor feeding and weight gain, fussiness, and sweating with feeds. Important information to obtain includes symptom progression rapid or insidious (rapid progression suggests ductal-dependent defects), prenatal care, and family history of congenital heart defects.[1,2] Of note, a normal perinatal hospital course does not exclude congenital heart defects, especially for those neonates born outside the United States.


Physical Exam: 

When suspecting CHD, vital signs should include 4-limb blood pressure and pre- and post-ductal oxygen saturation. 

When assessing general appearance, significant findings may include dysmorphic features which are associated with genetic syndromes and hint toward CHD. Examples include Tetralogy of Fallot which is seen in Down syndrome and DiGeorge’s syndrome. Interrupted Aortic Arch is seen in DiGeorge’s syndrome and Coarctation can occur in Turner’s Syndrome.[1] 

Also remember to look for signs of central cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the lips, tongue, mucus membranes, torso) and differential cyanosis – bluish discoloration of the lower extremities compared to normal appearing upper extremities (seen in critical coarctation). Remember, the hallmark finding of coarctation is a blood pressure differential with elevated blood pressure in the upper extremities and lower blood pressure in the lower extremities. Peripheral or acrocyanosis (cyanosis of the nails, hands, and feet) can be normal and is rarely life-threatening but the cause should be investigated.[3]

Abnormal cardiac sounds on auscultation such as a single heart sound (seen in hypoplastic left heart syndrome) or a holosystolic murmur indicating ventricular septal defects (seen in various CHD) should raise suspicion for underlying cardiac pathology.[1] 

Increased work of breathing or wheezing on pulmonary auscultation can indicate pulmonary congestion which can occur in any CHD if there is too much left-to-right shunting.[1,2] Lastly, hepatomegaly can be present, also indicating congestion from too much left to right shunting.



Evaluation of these neonates includes complete blood count, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, electrolytes, venous or arterial blood gas, ECG, point-of-care ultrasound, and chest x-ray. Blood cultures should be obtained as these patients have sepsis until proven otherwise. Additionally, there are two tests you can perform to help determine if the cyanosis is caused by CHD: 

Hyperoxia Test:

The hyperoxia test is a special test that can help determine whether the cyanosis is due to a primary lung disease such as persistent pulmonary hypertension or from cyanotic CHD with right-to-left shunting. To perform this test, first measure the newborn’s pre-ductal (right arm) arterial blood gas (ABG) while breathing room air. Repeat the ABG after administration of 100% oxygen for ten minutes. If the arterial partial pressure (PaO2) increases above 150 mm Hg, the cyanosis is most likely due to a pulmonary cause as the ventilation-perfusion gradient can be overcome by the supplemental oxygen. If the PaO2 on the ABG is unchanged or less than 150 mm Hg there is most likely a cardiac cause for the cyanosis. Supplemental oxygen administration will have little to no effect on the partial pressure of oxygen given the underlying right-to-left shunting of deoxygenated blood.[2,4,5]

Modified Hyperoxia Test:

An easier method is the modified hyperoxia test. Check oxygen saturation (SaO2) via pulse oximetry before and after administering 100% FiO2 for 10 minutes. If the SaO2 improves, it is most likely a pulmonary etiology, if the SaO2 doesn’t improve, think CHD.[6] This test can be performed while waiting for the results of the VBG or ABG.


ECG Findings:

A normal neonatal ECG should be right ventricular dominant with a right axis deviation. This is because the right ventricle at birth is thicker than the left ventricle due to the fetal physiology described in part 1 of this post (Figure 1). Left ventricular hypertrophy is always abnormal in a neonate (Figure 2). During the first six months of life, the ECG gradually transitions to left ventricular dominance. Intervals and ventricular hypertrophy criteria are based on age and a normal ECG does not rule out CHD.[1,2,7,8]

Figure 1. Right ventricular hypertrophy and strain in a 1-month old neonate with hypoplastic left heart syndrome: Negative QRS in Lead I, dominant R in leads V1 and V2, and dominant S wave in leads V5 and V6. This can be a normal finding in a newborn as neonates have right ventricular dominance – a normal ekg does not exclude CHD.[1]

Figure 2. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Left Axis Deviation in a 6-week-old infant with a Ventricular Septal Defect: increased S in V1 and R in V6 and isoelectric V6 respectively.[2]



Chest X-Ray Findings:

Based on both the type of defect and its severity, the chest X-ray may have characteristic findings. For example, cardiomegaly, consolidations, and pulmonary congestion can be seen in truncus arteriosus; tetralogy of Fallot has a classic “boot shaped” cardiac silhouette;  transposition of the great arteries has an “egg on a string” cardiac shape; and the heart takes on a “snowman” appearance in total anomalous pulmonary venous return (Figure 3).[1, 2, 5,7,8]

Figure 3. A) “Egg on a string.” Anterior-posterior chest X-ray with increased pulmonary blood flow and egg on a string-shaped heart seen in Transposition of the Great Arteries.[9] B) “Boot shaped“ heart: Anterior-posterior chest X-ray with decreased pulmonary vascularity, a normal heart size with a “boot shape” as seen in tetralogy of Fallot.[10]


Point-of-Care Ultrasonography:

Ultrasonography will allow the physician to determine the number of cardiac chambers, the direction of blood flow, and whether B-lines are present (Figure 4).

Figure 4. A) Parasternal long axis of tetralogy of Fallot showing a ventricular septal defect and overlying aorta. B) Apical 4-Chamber view in Tricuspid Atresia. C) Apical 4-Chamber view in Ebstein’s Anomaly showing the displaced tricuspid valve with regurgitation.[11]


Neonates with significant CHD will need corrective or palliative cardiac surgery for definitive management. Our goal is to provide cardiopulmonary support and stabilize the neonate until they can be safely transferred to a hospital equipped with pediatric cardiac surgery.

After administering supplemental oxygen, the treatment goal is to increase the pulmonary blood flow in right-sided ductal-dependent defects, increase the systemic blood flow in left-sided ductal-dependent defects, and allow for adequate mixing of the pulmonary and systemic circulation in mixing lesions. This will increase the percentage of oxygenated blood delivered to the tissues, increasing perfusion and decreasing cyanosis, end-organ damage, and hypoxemia.  

The mainstay of initial treatment is administering prostaglandin E-1 (PGE1) infusions.  PGE1 is a potent vasodilator of the ductus arteriosus (DA) and will prevent functional closure of the DA until definitive treatment is underway. Given that 60-80% of endogenous PGE1 is broken down by neonatal lung enzymes,  exogenous PGE1 (alprostadil) can offset this loss and should be administered when suspecting cyanotic CHD.[13] The starting rate of alprostadil infusion is 0.05 to 0.1 mcg/kg/min and it should be titrated down to the lowest dose required to increase oxygenation and reduce cyanosis. The maximum maintenance dose of PGE1 is 0.4 mcg/kg/min.[1,14,15] Prostaglandin E-1 is known to cause dose-dependent apnea, hypotension, and fever.[16] Therefore, consider intubation based on factors such as respiratory status, recurrent apnea, and transit time to a hospital with pediatric cardiac surgery.[1,15-17]

Also, always remember to administer appropriate antibiotics early on until an infectious etiology is ruled out.


Tet Spells: 

Tet spells are periods of cyanosis witnessed during periods of newborn stress such as crying or agitation in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot. During these periods of stress, a cycle of catecholamine surge and infundibular spasms causes decreased pulmonary blood flow to worsen hypoxemia.[9,22] Tet spells can be the first sign in a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot, and depending on the extent of the cardiac defects, these spells may occur even after one month of life. Initial treatment for these Tet spells in known Tetralogy of Fallot include:

1) Positioning maneuvers (knee to chest) to increase venous return and increase systemic vascular resistance to decrease right-to-left shunting.

2) Reducing the catecholamine surge by first calming the patient. Second-line is to administer either morphine (0.05 to 0.2 mg/kg) or intranasal fentanyl or midazolam to decrease agitation and provide fluid bolus to increase preload.[23]

3) If the above is unsuccessful, propranolol IV (0.2 mg/kg) can be used to decrease infundibular spasms, phenylephrine (2 to 10 mcg/kg/min) to increase systemic vascular resistance, and/or ketamine to decrease agitation and to increase systemic vascular resistance.[5,23]


Back to the Case:

The 1-week-old neonate’s oxygen minimally improved to 77% on supplemental oxygen 2 L/min via nasal cannula. He was subsequently placed on high-flow nasal cannula at  2 L/kg/min.[24,25] Pulses were normal in all 4 extremities. Auscultation revealed clear lungs bilaterally and a holosystolic murmur at the left lower sternal border indicating a ventricular septal defect. The modified hyperoxia test did not show an improvement in oxygen saturation. The patient was given vancomycin and cefepime for presumed sepsis. An ECG demonstrated left ventricular dominance and left axis deviation. POCUS revealed an atretic tricuspid valve. The chest x-ray showed decreased pulmonary vascular markings with a prominent right heart border. The team diagnosed tricuspid atresia, started alprostadil at 0.05 mcg/kg/min, and transferred the patient to a center for palliative cardiac surgery.


Take Home Points:

1) Cyanotic congenital heart defects typically present around one to four weeks of life with fatigue, poor weight gain, and cyanosis.

2) Central or differential cyanosis is always abnormal.

3) Minimal response to oxygen with the hyperoxia or modified hyperoxia test suggests a cardiac etiology of cyanosis.

4) Alprostadil (PGE1) keeps the DA patent. The infusion starting rate is 0.05 to 0.1 mcg/kg/min with a maximum maintenance rate of 0.4 mcg/kg/min. As there are dose-dependent side effects, titrate down to the lowest dose required to maintain clinical improvement.

5) Give appropriate antibiotics until sepsis is ruled out.




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